You can call me Fawkely Gopher. I'm a gray hat. That means what I do is technically illegal, but there is no malicious intent. As such, anonymity becomes a necessity. Even though I'm trying to do people a favor, there are some out there who have their head so far up their ass that they believe the law is completely justified and everyone should follow it all the time.

The difference between me and a white hat, or "ethical" hacker is, they have permission before they do what they do. They actually get paid. I'm not getting paid for what I do. Because I'm not being asked.

I'll just appear and prove that your login system sucks.

Some might call that stupid, I call it having fun. I don't have to worry about looking professional. My website can look like it came straight out of the 90s, I don't have to wear a suit or get up early to talk to people. I don't have to wave around like a puppet and kiss ass, because at the end of the day I've brought ethical hacking down to its barebones principles. You give me money, and I'll give you a penetration test. If you're lucky, it's free.

I will never blackmail you. I will never hold you for extortion. If this happens to you, it's not me. Donations are donations. I do this for fun.

Contact me: