Torrenting is great. It's my preferred method of downloading just about anything. Unfortunately, there's a lot of people who would use their skills as a means to do evil shit to you, or charge you for evil shit. I've scouted out these magnet links so you don't have to.

qBittorrent is the only torrent client you will ever need:

Neocities, these are public domain. If people want them, they're going to get them one way or another. Help me make BLACK HATTERY non-profitable by letting this exist. Thanks.


Twitch leak 2021: website source code, user payouts, mod documentation + more

Facebook leak 2019: user information sorted by ID:phone number:firstname:lastname:gender:city

New magnet links

These magnets are ones that I've made. As a result, I might be the only person seeding them. I have encrypted them and inlcuded the decryption key. I will try to seed them as often as possible, but in order for these to get off the ground and be distributed, SEED YOUR GOD DAMNED TORRENTS!!!

decryption key for all files: cS3#_!_p#qp#q

Animal Jam 2020 (797.9mb): usernames, emails, passwords (encrypted, decryptable), as an SQL file.

Warmane 2016 (11.15mb): emails and passwords.

Rockstar Games 2022 (345kb): emails and passwords.